Friday, April 9, 2010

The Jog-a-Thon is Finally Here!

A few days ago, we had a jog-a-thon at our school!

It was held at the lower yard on the grass instead of it being on the upper yard.


Here is a PhotoPeach video from the day!

This is a video from the exciting day!

I'd like to give credit to my teacher who filmed these videos.

The jog-a-thon was really fun and exciting in my opinion. I think her filming is wonderful, and I love the two videos!

Do you think the jog-a-thon was fun?

 What do you think of the two videos? 

What do you think of my teacher's filming?


Mrs. Yollis said...

Dear Kayla,

Terrific post about the jog-a-thon! I like how you wrote your own text and credited the creator of the PhotoPeach and video! That's proper blogging! You must have an excellent teacher! :-)

My favorite parts of the day were the obstacle course and cheering. Doing the wave with Dr. Phahler was so much fun.

Exercise is one way to stay healthy. I really enjoy doing yoga. It is an hour-and-a-half of stretching and balancing and I feel so good after doing it. If I have to miss my exercise class, I don't feel as good and I don't sleep as well.

Do you like to exercise? What kind of exercise do you do regularly?

Your friend,
Mrs. Yollis

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Yollis,

Thanks for the comment on my post about the jog-a-thon and about the compliment!

I think that the excellent teacher is you, Mrs. Yollis.

My favorite part of the day was the obstacle course, too! I agree, the wave was really fun to do!

I just started doing exercises with my mom on a Dvd that is called "10 Minute Solution". It's really fun to do with her! We do all these kind of exercises, and sometimes it hurts, but when it does, I just lay down on the rug.

The first time I did one of the exercises, it was really hard for me, but the next time I did it witch was yesterday, and it wasn't so bad!

Kayla =)